A.I. Core News:  TBA.
Artificial Intelligence Core
The Artificial Intelligence Core:

Grafted, cloned brain tissue from humans, whales, and dolphins has been integrated into self-repairing computers. "Self-healing" is another accurate way to describe what they are now capable of.

Along with the flat-space and ansible technology, these advancements now allow for computers and networks to appear as thin as net-books and even elastic clothing in some cases, while actually being composed of virtually unlimited components, mass, and nodes capable of being anchored across any expanse of space, such as worlds in distant super-clusters.  It also means that they can communicate without the limitations of light-speed or quantum bits, and that computers much smaller than the human brain can store much more than 4 Terabytes of data.

These emerging characteristics have taken remote viewing and remote access to an unprecedented and almost godly level.



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