News with Ambrosia:  Now the most distinguished guest in Inisfree, Ambrosia is completing her orientation and assisting the Inisfreean people in their expansion.
Ambrosia LeMorte
Personnel Database Access:

Accessing Alliance Cortex database for retrieval of personnel record for one:
"Ambrosia LeMorte"  Service Number:  XXX-XX-XXXX

Partial Access Granted:  Personal Contact Data With-held

Life Summary

Distant Past:  Ambrosia became an orphan and a wanderer, eventually traveling much of the world and ending up at Wolfe Castle where her entire outlook on life changed.

Recent Past:   Taken under the wing of a wise teacher, she begins to discover and hone her new Brujah abilities --of which there are a great many.

Present Life:   Having found a place that reminds her of home, the next chapter of her now-immortal life has begun.

2014:  Age Unknown:  Reunited with Lord Himmler in her Outland realm, Ambrosia accepts an invitation to see his new homeland for the first time.  She decides to stay for the official full tour and becomes engaged to the man she learns has become the king.

[Ambrosia's tour of Inisfree]​​
豚 死亡
Birth Name:  Ambrosia LeMorte
Age:  ?
RP Status:  Full time
Planet Of Birth:  Earth
Place(s) of Upbringing:  Castle Wolfe

Height / Weight:  5’9”, 140 lbs. (at 1G)
Hair / Eyes:  Dark brown / (changes; jade, lavender, lilac, silver)
Ethnicity:  English, Scottish, German, French, Northern Irish, and Powhatan Native American
Complexion:  Caucasian, tanned, fair skinned
Markings / Piercings:  None / None
Scars / Prosthetics:  None / None
Garb / Attire:  expensive couture dresses and gowns

Affiliation:  Inisfree
Nationality:  Welsh

Astrological Signs:  ?

Stamina:  Super-human
Physique:  Toned, slender and curvy
BFI:  20%

Occupation:  Regent to Castle Wolfe
Employer:  N/A (royalty)
Employer Location:  N/A (current location:  Inisfree)

Blood Type:  [vampire; consumes most blood types] 
Aliases:  None
Call Signs / Code Names:  None
吸血鬼 女王