Ba'al News:  Travel Advisory:  Inorganic and biomechanical ships nearing Ba'al will decompose in low orbit, ejecting crew and cargo.
The planet Ba'al

Not all planets orbit stars, nor are all planets just spheres of gas or rock, perhaps with some bacteria, plants, and fighting animals scattered about them.  Some planets are nomads across The Black; that abyss some call Space, and some of them will do anything to preserve the things that happen within their reach...

​​Planetary Imagery to be posted shortly...


     The surface of Baal is covered in mounds of fused diamonds, visible as white splotches across its surface, found sporadically across its base landscape of a biomechanical shag carpet of blood-red silk fibers that constantly re-weave themselves, never becoming worn or downtrodden.  Anti-matter and matter-based lifeforms do not interact violently with one another inside Baal's planetary fields of influence, and weather does not seem to exist on the planet, although breathing is effortless for all species who make landfall, regardless of their genetic make-up and atmospheric requirements.  Gravity is also a bit of an oddity on Baal, as it does not create a gravity field bend in the space-time continuum, despite gravity (or some other force) clearly holding the planet together, and indigenous and pseudo-touristic terrestrials comfortably to its land masses.  There are no bodies of water on the planet, but streams, creeks, and tributaries float through the air a few feet or meters off the ground, and seem to flow in directions based on the proximity of the diamond mounds.

     The closer one gets to any of the diamond mounds, the slower time appears to progress, although time appears to continue flowing at the same rate for them, and only appears to slow them and everything around them down if viewed from a great distance, such as from orbiting stations or vessels.  

     At both poles of rotation, there is an event horizon that does not pull in any light or objects, but does teleport anything within its range (several dozen meters) inside the planet to the Agharta interior (once referred to as "The Hollow Earth" on/in ETW). The Inner Sun (star) of Baal is an ultraviolet-emitting dodecahedron spinning on a random route about itself, as if its center of gravity is ever-changing.

     There are no plate shifts or other tectonic or seismic activity on the planet, but there are several hundred small volcanoes that erupt cum like geysers.  The cum flows down the sides of these volcanoes appear to fade away into thin air without drying, and it is postulated that the biomechanical shag carpet colonies that cover the planet consume and process this cum-lava in some way.

     Fauna includes aetherial faerie-like species ranging in size from Tinkerbell to Grovebacks, which seem to phase-shift between dimensions, and seldom appear as anything more than a translucent, 3-D, shadow form in this realm of perception. Communication with them has been unsuccessful, unless they are just ignoring these attempts.

     Flora includes a wide variety of similarly phase-shifting forms.  These plants gently push you out of their way as they fade into this dimension and appear visible to our types of ocular organs, however, unlike the fauna noted thus far, most of these plants are bioluminescent, and fluctuate this luminosity as if all are of the same hive mind. The light on the surface of this world does not come from any star or excited nebular gases, but from the plants, which illuminate very slowly, and remain glowing in different colors based on their species, for an even period of 13 ETW standard hours. The plants may phase-shift during this illumination, while the light they generate remains behind.  Some plants are mobile, and when they walk or fly out of the illuminated area of the planet's self-generated "daylight", they quickly lose their luminosity and fade back into the standard translucent shadow state.

     Sentients appear to include all of the fauna and flora, as well as the diamond mounds, shag-grass (comically referred to as "Creep" from an ancient ETW game series), and other objects on Baal's surface, such as the countless subterranean temples.  All of these creatures and groups clearly commune and communicate with one another, including coming together for energy pulse based dialogue and worship of some sort, and appear to always encircle and bow and sing for the groups that ritualistically mate in the middle of the circle.  Somehow, this breeding never causes impregnation or reproduction, and the entire global population seems fixed.  Reproduction either does not exist here, or is not facilitated by these group sex acts that only appear sexual from our frame of reference.

     When lifeforms that do not exist in shadow form, and do not phase shift, and do not participate in proximal orgy worship occurrences, such as the ones described here-within, are introduced to the planet's surface, 100% of the time they are rapidly surrounded and smothered to death by any and all indigenous lifeforms.  Their corpses are then mated with, then carried by the undulations of the shag-carpet "creep" up into the cum-volcanoes, and submerged in the gushing, bubbling craters of warm lava-cum until they shiver in a full-body energy-gasm, orgasm and squirt cum out while still dead, and then reawaken while fading into shadow form.  All of their inorganic accessories, such as clothing, gear, implants, and communication devices are converted to shadow form in this process, as well.  It is unknown if this process renders them braindead, entranced, or incapable of remembering their origins, mission objectives, priorities, and allegiances, but tracking them always leads to losing their shadow signatures within the first few minutes, when they appear to fade away permanently, phase shifting out of this realm indefinitely, or perhaps teleporting into one of the cave layers or the hollow interior of this world.  They seem fully coordinated and healthy in this transformed state, but make no attempts to communicate, even if by drawing messages in the shag-creep covered soil-matter of the world.

     There is currently a Blue Sun program training Companions from birth who will be raised to believe that going to this planet and mating with its lifeforms is the highest graduation honor and holy rite of passage they can ever experience in life.  It is postulated that sex is the only form of communication the Baalanites recognize and/or honor, and it is hoped that this will open up mutually beneficial relations between the UAP and the here-to-forth unknown governing bodies and intelligences of this new and fascinating world.  Interplanetary, extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, underage beastiality and child labor all rolled into one?  Welcome to the Blue Sun.

     The psionic equivalent of solar flares are occasionally emitted from the larger inter-species orgies that occur between fauna, flora, and diamond mounds on the planet's surface.  A.I. programs are currently working to plot patterns relating these invisible psionic storms and flares to the countless small and large scale orgies, to the migratory fauna and flora paths, as well as to the cum-lava, geyser-like, volcanic eruptions, and the seemingly erratic spinning of the internal, ultra-violet, dodecahedron star.  The trouble with this endeavor is that the psionic flares are sometimes sudden and far-reaching enough to super-saturate the studying space vessels with their energies, influencing not only the entire crews, but their A.I.s, as well.  There have been multiple documented incidents where these invisible flares caused entire starship crews to mate with one another and inanimate objects, kill random crewmates and themselves, collapse limply and lose control of their bowels, and even become euphoric to the point of singing and holding hands as they fill out paperwork, eject themselves out the airlocks, or drown themselves by holding their heads in the toilets.  Current vessels studying Baal are now restricted to high and distant orbit, and are undergoing extensive shielding modifications designed to block out and deflect these types of flares, while other R+D projects hope to harness and convert these energies for power alternatives and military applications.



Under Construction

(not yet assigned)
6,437.376 km
(unknown) Earth Masses
fluctuating bioluminescent-generated 13-hour "days"
(unreadable, feels pleasant to all local and alien lifeforms)
#.# g
1.0 atm
(fluctuates; no fixed route)
13 hours
No; year
No; year
---[Planet Data]---
Stellar ID:  
Keplerian Ratio:
Surface Temperature:
Surface Gravity:
Atmospheric Pressure: 
Orbital Distance:  
Orbital Period:
Day Length:

* It is not yet known how to terraform this world.​



---[Artificial Satellites]---

Countless indigenous flora and fauna species, to include symbiotic relationships, biomechanical lifeforms, hive mind collectives, and many still enigmatic lifeform entities.