Blue Sun News:  Blue Sun Diet Cola has what plants crave; electrolytes.
Blue Sun
Blue Sun Corporation

Since the terraforming and colonization of 34 Tauri, Blue Sun has facilitated many of the largest-scale operations across all of its planets and moons.

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Current Investment Projects Portfolio

(one of the most diverse corporations in all of human-colonized Space)
Slogans and Jingles:

"Live life with Blue Sun."

Entity Name:  Blue Sun Corporation
Establishment Year:  (2300s) 
Headquarters:  Osiris

Processed Foodstuffs, such as Fruity Oaty Bars
Alcoholic Beverages, such as Sake
Carbonated Beverages, such as Blue Sun Cola​
Security Constructs
(and a wide variety of other products)​

Affiliation: Union of Allied Planets (UAP)

(planetary and regional offices on all 34 Tauri worlds)

(millions across nearly all 56 planets and 125 moons of 34 Tauri; all UAP worlds and some of the others, with plans to expand until properties are owned on them all)

It is rumored that this corporation is involved in some UAP black-ops R+D.