Inisfreean Languages News:  Inisfreean, the language, now includes all sounds of all alphabets of the Earth.
Inisfreean Languages
The Languages of Inisfree

18 Official Languages:
The following languages are taught as core subjects in the linguistics program at Inisfree's sole High School:

  1. American Military Hand-and-Arm Signals
  2. American Sign Language (ASL)
  3. Arabic
  4. Challenge-and-Pass: based on the military security concept, this version combines intuition, impromptu music, 
                  and the signature and exclusive body language only Inisfreeans know.  If you want to get through the 
                  Perimeter Wall's Pearly Gates, you'd better know this language or have a citizen guide who does.
  5. Chinese
  6. Dance: (all forms) Inisfreeans take extensive dance classes and examinations throughout their academia, 
                  allowing them to communicate virtually any message solely through silent dance maneuvers.
  7. English
  8. French
  9. German
10. Gospel / Godspell: the language of subtle and obvious signs, allowing FOBians to communicate directly with 
                   All-That-Is, as well as Gaia and other much larger deities.  Not to be confused with the Xian 'gospel'.
11. Inisfreean: similar in appearance to Elven script, and in speech to a fusion of the major Outland languages.
12. Italian
13. Japanese
14. Oculese: the language of the eyes, with a focus on their iris dilation and at which moments they change 
                   directions.  This is predominantly taught to better communicate with and anticipate humans and other 
                   animals, but, naturally, also serves to make Inisfreeans gracefully natural and subtle truth-detectors 
                   (aka 'lie-detectors').
15. Portuguese
16. Russian
17. Sanskrit:  Traveling FOBians will more easily pick up Nepalese with knowledge of this language.
18. Spanish


To graduate from Inisfree's educational system, each student must gain a working proficiency in these 18 forms of communication. All Inisfreean graduates are not only linguists (skilled in one or more foreign languages), but polyglots (those who know and use several foreign languages).

Accents Written and Spoken:
The accentuation marks and region-specific letter-characters for each of the aforementioned languages are taught to perfection, as well, giving every Inisfreean High School graduate an instant recall of all of their alphabets.  Main regional dialects (how different tribes and nations actually speak their languages) is also taught to perfection, which is why Inisfreeans often musically flow through transitions of a wide range of accents, dialects, and applicable slang or jargon.  Inisfreeans hold written and spoken communication to be as sacred as their sex, always paying close and natural attention to the way those around them are speaking and moving, and mimicking their sounds, words, notes, and expressions into their own responses in order to help those they communicate with feel more comfortable.

Realistic Rate:
Because they start from birth, learning this many languages is a slow, steady, easy process for them, giving them ample time to take in each language and practice it amongst their peers.  Many Outlanders have been credited with speaking 6 or more languages fluently, so it should come as no surprise that the engineered and carefully raised Inisfreeans readily speak a few more.

Since the Inisfreean religion includes every aspect of their society, learning these languages is seen as a special opportunity, as well as a holy rite.  Inisfreeans know, better than most, that having a working knowledge of additional languages expands one's mind, breaks down barriers, and helps people define new words based on their roots and how they relate to similar words in the other languages; all of this speeds up the learning process.
Accents and Dragged Letters:
Inisfreeans never drag out the 's'; they never hiss like many Americans do. They also never drag out the 'r'; they never make pirate noises like many Americans do. For example, Inisfreeans would say "Yes; my car.", not "Yescccsss, my car-arrr." and it will sound like "Yehs'; my kah."; it will sound closer to a British or Australian accent than any American regional accent.
