Uber Repulsines News:  These giant constructs hidden deep beneath the surface of Inisfree allow graceful flight for the whole city.
Inisfree's Uber Repulsines
Inisfree's Uber Repulsines:

History and Origins:
​'Repulsine' is the name given to a type of engine based on implosion and electromagnetism, whose operation results in the generation of an energy field which 'hugs' the hull of certain vessel forms and greatly reduces, if not wholly neutralizes, the forces of gravity, air friction, inertia, and others.  After the pioneering work of Dr. Viktor Schauberger and many others, which made interplanetary travel (long-distance Space-flight) possible long before the advent of the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Russian Federal Space Agency, personnel at Base 211 in Antarctica continued to refine and advance this aerospace engineering work, eventually leading to the modern, miniaturized versions of the original Repulsine engines we see today.

Though Inisfreeans have the technology to use simpler means of transportation, such as combustion engines, they tend to use warp-drives, black-hole manipulation, and other advanced types of propulsion and guidance.  In the case of these city-sized Repulsines, the 'fuel' is a mercury-based solution accelerated in hollow tori (the concentric and alternately-rotating rings of gyroscopes) until it becomes a mercury-based plasma, resulting in profound anti-gravity and gravity-manipulation capabilities, giving Inisfree an easy lift-off from any world. This technique also makes it not only possible, but even easy for Inisfree to escape event-horizons and other strong gravity concentrations and anomalies.

Inisfree has eight of these Uber Repulsines (named such due to their uniform, one-mile diameters); four of them at the city's corners just below its surface (ground-level on the inside of the city's Perimeter Wall), and four of them in a smaller square formation just up inside the lowest level of the city's lower hemisphere (just above the city's bottom dome cap, sometimes called its 'keel').  This is a signature engine formation because most aircraft have either one engine on their nose, or an even number of engines on their wings at either side, and most saucer-based Spacecraft have either three or four propeller or Repulsine-based engines arranged in a circle of nodes at even intervals protruding from their undercarriage.​​

Computer signals passed from the Governor's mind, through the Inisfreean Neural Network, to the Grid Mind, and then on in one of the Inisfreean computer-and-programming languages (a.k.a. 'machine code') to these Repulsines... allows for the instant (Ansible-based) manipulation of these flight control devices.  Paired with the incredibly precise data coming in from Inisfree's nearly endless sensory nodes (its equivalent of sense organs for sensory perception), this allows the entire city to 'turn on a dime'; to be flown and otherwise maneuvered as precisely as if one was using their own body to carefully sit down exactly where they wanted to, or to fly through an Olympic skiing race, passing just millimeters around every guide flag at lightning-fast speeds.  Repulsines also allow any object their field coats and surrounds... to stop in an instant -without any change in G-forces acting upon its occupants at all; Inisfree never needs to speed up, slow down, or maneuver gently to cater to human passengers.  It (and all Inisfreean vehicles) can begin moving at top speeds, come to a full stop, and make 90° (and ANY-degree turns) immediately.

To be more precise, the following Repulsine orientations lead to the following forms of flight:
  • When all of the Repulsines are pointing outboard, each one away from the others (the top four pointing out and up to the 'vertices' of the imaginary cube surrounding the Inisfreean Perimeter Orb), the result is a very motionless Inisfree.  The amount of Repulsine force exerted by these Repulsines can then be fine-tuned to ensure that each one is 'pushing' outward just enough against whatever other forces are outside the city, keeping it essentially anchored and stationary amidst what would appear to humans to be nothing at all (the void of Deep Space, for example).
  • When all of the Repulsines are pointing in the same direction (such as down, for example), all of their force is directed together, leading to the most rapid movement. (And, when paired with the force of the Uber VTOL Shafts, this is enough to propel Inisfree through stars -to include black-holes.)​  This allows the entire city to instantly move sideways (or ANY-ways) out of the way of whatever object(s) it might wish to avoid.
  • When all of the Repulsines are pointing outboard, but at the same downward angle into the same hemisphere (such as the lower hemisphere), this allows for a slower acceleration up away from the surface the city was landed upon or hovering above.
  • When all of the Repulsines slowly decrease their power (but don't change the directions they are pointing to), in Space this results in a continuation of acceleration in which the city is accelerating the whole time, but accelerating less and less as the power is dialed down in the Repulsines.  Within the gravity of a planet, and when hovering up, this would give the city a parabolic speed; slowing down in its direction of travel as gravity began to pull it back toward the surface of the world.
  • When all of the Repulsines point out in directions resulting in their outbound force lines forming an imaginary swastika, the city will rotate like a spinning top -or like the rotation of the Earth and similar planets.  The sharper (more acute) the angles in this orientation, and the greater the power is dialed up in the Repulsines, the faster the acceleration into this spin will be.


A note from the Governor:
"I wanted to know how the legendary 'Seven Cities of Gold' were capable of flying, so I studied aerospace engineering, and the Haunebu project, and learned about Repulsine engines, and found out.

"We built mile-wide gyroscopes, each of their rings being hollow and nearly frictionless, and these rings are partially filled with mercury; the metal which is liquid at room-temperature on Earth, and we accelerate this mercury-based solution inside these hollow gyroscope rings... until it becomes a mercury-based plasma; moving so quickly that it is vibrating at a higher frequency than even the gas of an atmosphere, creating a ring of constant lightning inside each of the gyroscope rings, and this lightning made out of metal (the metal called mercury) then creates a very useful energy field which we can use to levitate and very precisely maneuver objects of inCredible size.  The entire city of Inisfree, in this case, can be flown like an airplane or Spaceship, and is even submersible like a submarine, thanks to these aerospace engineering technology breakthroughs."


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