Spectrum Cannon Batteries News:  TBA.
Spectrum Cannon Batteries
Spectrum Cannon Batteries:



The man-portable equivalent of full spectrum cannons are the FSO-33s; modular optics the size of a pistol scope that cycle through every known spectrum, as well as motion and olfactory.

I wonder what concepts are coming out today, which are extremely controversial, that will be commonplace and taken for granted in another decade or so.  Imagine what will be the case 4 or 5 hundred years from now, such as how we are now 4 or 5 hundred years from the time of Christopher Columbus, when the round world was ridiculous and even blasphemous and worthy of excommunication and being murdered by the government.  People have suggested string theory, the existence of other dimensions, the possibility of mega-verses and over-lapping realities.  They have suggested that the laws of physics might be different the farther out we travel from this world we know and are used to.  They have even suggested that the interiors of worlds, stars, and black holes might not be as dangerous and inescapable as we currently assume.  If one day, many years from now, all of these things turn out to be true, and tourism on a regular basis is established to them, what amazing ideas and theories will those people consider, rebel against, and eventually explore and confirm?


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