News with Tethir:  Tethir recently joined The New Horizon via an ODST extraction from Miranda.
Tethir Miranda Djinn
Personnel Database Access:

Accessing Alliance Cortex database for retrieval of personnel record for one:
"Tethir Miranda Djinn"  Social Control Number:  Not On File

Partial Access Granted:  Personal Contact Data With-held

春節 紅外 米蘭達 巨靈
Birth Name:  Tethir Miranda Djinn
Age:  31
RP Status:  Full time
Planet Of Birth:  Miranda
Place(s) of Upbringing:  Miranda

Height / Weight:  5’6”, 145 lbs. (at 1G)
Hair / Eyes:  Auburn, blonde streaks (shoulder length, full of body, slightly curly) / Blue
     * gaze ranges from calming and educated to penetrating and calculated 

Ethnicity:  English
Complexion:  Caucasian, lightly-tanned, fair-skinned
     * epidermis is smooth and unblemished

Markings / Piercings:  None / None
Scars / Prosthetics:  None / None 
Garb / Attire:  Grey slacks and cargo pants with matching jacket, red and yellow flairs to indicate which medical field she is in, tight fitting shirts of various colors, white lab coats, or black leather jackets. 
      * Formal attire varies; generally gowns or fine dresses.

Affiliation:  None
Nationality:  Mirandan

Astrological Signs:  * New astrological signs have yet to be established for the newly colonized Verse; all the stars look different from here;
the old constellations of ETW don’t exist where she is.

Stamina:  Athletic 
Physique:  Smooth, moderately toned
BFI:  21%

Occupation:  Scientist / Doctor
Employer:  N/A 
Employer Location:  N/A 

Blood Type:  O- 
Aliases:  The Djinn-Doc Mira
Call Signs / Code Names:  None
科學家 / 醫生
Life Summary

2486:  Tethir is born into an upper middle class family as one of the more than 30 million settlers who opt to make Miranda, the outermost planet in the promising 34 Tauri Multi-system, their home.  Barely half a century into its enormous colonization effort, it is as thriving and prosperous as any Core world, its infrastructure is phenomenal, its people are very happy, but all of this changes almost in the blink of an eye...

2503:  17 years old, attending some of the finest schools on the fledgling colonial world, her mind is quickly set comfortably into relative overdrive, and she graduates high school early and in the top percentile of her class, having aced every honors and advanced placement, college level course available to her.  Entering university life a full year early, she begins her route into the professional medical sciences.

2511:  25, with the Unification War drawing to a slow, shaky close, and with treaties being debated and signed into law on other worlds, Miranda remains on the fringe of both 34-Tauri-colonized Space and the minds of nearly all of the other 34 Tauri residents. The Alliance government continues their experiments on Tethir's homeworld, and the 'The Pax' chemical reaction incident occurs.

2512:  26, most believe the government-circulated cover story that Miranda's colonial effort failed, and that the few who colonized it simply didn't remain there.  In a time when restabilization and continuity were held paramount and even mortally critical, cover stories such as this one almost seem reasonable, but to the lingering citizens of the now Reaver-ravaged fringe world, there can be no absolution for the horrific mutations their government caused in so many of their loved ones.  All physical and communications traffic to Miranda is halted and banned.  The newly-created Reavers, still intelligent enough to operate fleets of spaceships, easily take over the planet and its lone moon, Caliban, then start inching out beyond their world in raids that plague nearly every planet and moon on the edge of 34 Tauri.  Naturally, Doctor Djinn is one of the few denizens of 34 Tauri who immediately notices the 'blackout'.

2515-2516:  29-30, finally allowed to return to her decimated home planet, Dr. Djinn fights a losing science battle against the still ever-present viral outbreak that has left the remaining sliver of Miranda's original colonial population warped into psychotic barbarians.  Her mission is kept at the highest level of classification, and her arduous campaign crawls along right underneath the noses of the Reavers and their orbiting fleet of irradiated wrecks of battle-hardened starships.

2517:  31, The New Horizon makes a passing arc near enough Miranda to intervene when trouble is detected.  Because The New Horizon is not a vessel controlled by the UAP (rather, it is a joint venture between them and a far more distant and greater power from a nearly-forgotten 'fairytale' world), it is allowed to render assistance to Dr. Djinn, whose team has been wiped out, and whose person and embunkered CDC-style facility are considered unreachable by the Alliance military now facing a virtually impenetrable, Reaver-pocked 'territory'.