Inisfreean Protectorates News:  With the addition of the latest Asari colony-worlds, the Inisfreean empire now monitors and guards ~1% of the Milky Way Galaxy's habitable worlds.
Inisfreean Protectorates
Inisfreean Protectorates Historical / Sequential Summary:

2012-2013:  Earth:  Inisfree declares its home-world, Earth-That-Was, to be its first protectorate, shortly there-after launching the Rapture Campaign to clean up and re-stabilize the planet from the traumatizing aftermath of its ancient and still ongoing zombie outbreak called 'humanity'.

2014-2517:  ~700 new worlds:  As the Inisfreeans begin to clandestinely explore farther into Outer- and Deep Space, they begin to discover ~1 world every 2 Earth-years which is beautiful and vulnerable enough to be classifiable, by their standard, as an Inisfreean protectorate.

2186-2517:  the Asari empire:  Inisfree, now expanded to house Star-system Auzdein, declares the entire interstellar empire of the Asari species to be its largest protectorate to-date.​​ This brings under the umbrella of Inisfreean protection, at first, 21 planets and all of those worlds' moons, but expands (over the 331 years following the Reapers incident of 2186) to include more than 750,000 worlds (including both planets and moons) .
2500s/+:  ~750,700 worlds, and counting:  Lord von Himmler, the Governor of Inisfree-city, capital of now not only the planet Earth, but also Star-system Auzdein and nearly 1,000,000 habitable and colonized worlds across the Milky Way Galaxy, enjoys his life as an immortalized god-king as his creation, the Inisfreean realm, becomes one of the few empires in history to rival that of the empire of [the Star Wars Galaxy].

The Realms Protected by Inisfree:

Inisfree does not enter into alliances or other contractual agreements, however it does protect the realms of beings which are pleasing in various ways to the Inisfreean people. Inisfree does so by deploying its usually-cloaked (invisible to all forms of detection, not just becoming invisible) fleets such that at least one of their Inisfreean Dropships remains anchored in the most remote, temperate regions of the world they have slated to be one of their protectorates. The following worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy are listed in the Grid Mind as protectorates of the Inisfreean empire:

  • the planet Gor, such that its Priest-kings may maintain the Gorean and Kajira ways upon that world forever.

  • ​​2186 AD/CE: The Asari empire consists of the following worlds: Thessia (homeworld), Agessia, Asteria, Chalkhos, Cyone, Hyetiana, Illium (most populated and pleasure oriented world in the Asari empire), Kurinth, Lesuss, Lusia, Lymetis, Nevos, Niacal, Phoros, Sanves, Selvos, Terapso, Teukria, Tevura, Trategos, and Zesmeni. (However, most of these worlds are temporarily devastated by the Reapers incident which began around this time period.)
  • 2517 AD/CE: (With the attentive and dutiful, long-term reconstruction and repopulation assistance from the Inisfreeans, the Asari make a rapid, stable, and generally enjoyable recovery from the Reapers incident of their era.) The Asari empire's original worlds (21 planets and many more moons; during 2186 AD/CE) have all been restored to their former might and beauties, and the Asari empire has since been helped to expand its borders to now include 750,000 worlds (including both planets and moons) (*750,000 worlds is ~1% of the more than 75,000,000 habitable, Earth-like (M-class; 'garden world') planets and moons in the Milky Way Galaxy alone; one of more than 300-to-500 billion galaxies in the known Universe). IOW: During the 331 years which followed the Reapers incident (which had dramatically adversely affected tens of thousands of Milky Way Galaxy worlds colonized by intelligent sentient species), the Asari people were helped by the Inisfreeans not only to restore the infrastructures of their empire's original 21 worlds (which had taken them ~70,000 Earth-years to establish since the dawn of their species from wholly primitive life less organized than tribes and even herds; a rate of one world being colonized per 131 Earth-years, during the 2766 Earth-years in which they were using Space-flight and Mass-relays to explore outward from their homeworld, Thessia), but to simultaneously establish multiple and large (city-sized) colonies on ~2265 additional and new worlds during each of those 331 'Reconstruction' years (a rate of colonization and expansion 296,715 times greater than what they had been doing before Inisfreean intervention and salvation from the Reapers incident aftermath). One of the strongest attractions, bonds, and loves the Inisfreeans feel and have is toward and with the Asari people. To-date (2517 AD/CE), no other species in the Universe has been anywhere near so greatly assisted by the Inisfreeans. After the Reapers incident, the long-hibernating, immortal Inisfreean people were almost all reactivated (awoken from indefinite stasis), and almost entirely for the benefit, therapies, and tender loving care of the Reaper-traumatized and nearly extinct Asari people. It is for this reason above all others that the leader of the Inisfreean empire, Governor von Himmler, is worshipped as a god by the entire Asari population spread out across 750,000 worlds (an exceedingly rare thing; for a male figure to be deified by an all-female race who had previously only thought of and recognized female deities), and why every Asari child is taught during the history lessons of their earliest schooling years his name and contribution to their society. Whenever he visits any of their worlds, most Asari are so overwhelmed just by the very sight of him that they will tremble and cry in happiness and profound, ingrained respect. This reaction is furthered by the fact that Governor von Himmler has never taken advantage of any of them for any reason, nor done anything but compliment and uplift them in every way he can. Now 'with the training wheels off' again, the Inisfreeans do not assist the restabilized and once-again-great-and-proud Asari in any way -other than to quietly, clandestinely stand as monitors and sentries with at least one Inisfreean Dropship anchored upon the outer surface of each of the 750,000 Asari worlds, ready to respond in an instant to any Reaper-like threat (potential Extinction-Level Event (E.L.E.)) the Asari may face at any time in the foreseeable future (for though the Asari are brilliant, powerful, and gifted in countless ways, they are still mortal, and are nowhere near as capable as the Inisfreeans at sweeping aside Reaper-level threats).
Thus, there are ~750,700 worlds (including both planets and moons) considered protectorates by the Inisfreean command, and of the 4,116,005,020,500,100,000,000 Inisfreeans (the entire population of the Inisfreean empire), 100,000,000 live in Inisfree-city, 100,000,000,000 live on each Inisfreean world in Star-system Auzdein (20,500,000,000,000 Inisfreeans, total), and the remaining 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 (4,116,005,020,500,100,000,000 - 20,500,100,000,000) Inisfreeans (who are mostly stored inside the SSBS anchored in Star-system Auzdein's largest-star's core) are assigned as Quick-Reaction Forces (QRFs) to each of those worlds; 5,482,889,303,316,904 Inisfreeans (4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 / 750,700) ready to mass-deploy at a moment's notice to their assigned protectorate. In short, there are roughly five-and-a-half quadrillion (just above 999-trillion) Inisfreean troops (Master Females) available for instant defense of any of the worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy classified as Inisfreean protectorates.
  • 4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000:   total number of Inisfreeans classified as 'deployable to the Outlands'
  • 5,482,889,303,316,904:  total number of those deployable Inisfreeans assigned to each protectorate-world

* With this many Inisfreeans, if there are 400,000,000,000 star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy, and each of those star systems contained 10 planets and 100 moons (400,000,000,000 x 110, resulting in 44,000,000,000,000 worlds), each world (including both planets and moons) could still have 93,545,568 Inisfreeans ready to serve as its QRF (4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 / 44,000,000,000,000).

* And if we assume that each of the perhaps 500 billion galaxies in the known Universe have about this same number of worlds in them (500,000,000,000 x 44,000,000,000,000), each world in the Universe could still have ~.0001 Inisfreeans ready to serve as its QRF (4,116,005,000,000,000,000,000 / 22,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000); 1 Inisfreean assigned to check on every group of 10,000 worlds. And since most worlds in the Universe are not colonized or even habitable, and some not even useful in any way (and some not even full formed or stable), it is realistic to say that every Inisfreean would only need to be responsible at that point for checking on ~1% of those worlds; 100 useful worlds per Inisfreean. Thus, the entire Universe could become a fairly well-managed protectorate of the Inisfreean empire, even though that empire is, technically just one star-system housed in its own dimension in the core of just one city.

* This state-of-protectorates approach does not lead these protected realms or their peoples to become weak by their enemies being kept away from them, nor does it lead the unprotected realms or their peoples to become extra strong or quick-witted by having to fend for themselves all the time. Rather, those who are protected are only done so to a very minute degree, and always clandestinely, forcing them to remain at higher states of alert, readiness, and cleverness. Those who are not protected also 'stay sharp' in the same ways by having to fight their own battles, but are kept at a slow pace, 'held back' by the regular setbacks caused in their wars and the aftermaths of those wars; they get worn out at regular intervals throughout their histories, lose some of their technological know-how in their cities being sacked or razed, and so on.​​​​
  • t​he Asari interstellar empire, such that the Asari species and culture of planet Illium may be maintained forever.
How They Are Protected:

Inisfreean protectorates are like the territories of any nation; they do not share the same rights as the protecting nation, but they are represented in its legislative bodies, and they do enjoy the defense of its superior military forces.  For example, Inisfreeans keep vast armadas of Space-faring ships, as well as many trillions of combat-ready personnel, on indefinite stand-by, ready to deploy at a moment's notice to any of the worlds with compatible beings and societies on or in them (some worlds are hollow or, at least, have vast cave networks which are populated by such beings).  In the case of most Earth-sized worlds that fall into this compatible-peoples category, Inisfree typically deploys a handful of cloaked Inisfreean WarShips into high orbit to keep clandestine watch over contested or threatened areas.  This protection does not always extend to the expansion, terraforming, and colonization efforts of the protectorates' peoples.
  • ​and all Outlander human females deemed sexy by the Grid Mind are monitored (as a security company monitors the houses with its security systems installed in them), should any evacuation teleporting be required to preserve their physiques during potential hostile actions; all human realms in the Outlands are not protected because humans have never been compatible enough with the Inisfreean Way, thus the Outlands, for humans, at least, remain in fairly frequent states of war and uncertainty, thus jeopardizing many billions of sexy females if it wasn't for the Inisfreean technology. Inisfreeans know the extreme and immeasurable healing power of all things of beauty, such as pretty flowers, tall trees, and majestic temples, and so they devote the majority of their lives and military campaigns to safeguarding all the beauty and beauties they come across. This makes sexy human females individual-sized protectorates, while human-occupied worlds, however, are not protectorates even if they house many millions of sexy human females; human societies and civilizations as a whole are considered primitive, barbaric, foolhardy, illogical, and zombie-infected, only inadvertently resulting in attractive females and other creations of impressive beauty and healing energies as the occasional 'hiccup' (fluke) in their systems.
  • ​several hundred planets and moons, some populated entirely by:
  • ​Elementals (air, earth, fire, shadow, water, etc.)
  • Elves (taller 'fey')
  • Fey (smaller than dwarfs/dwarves)
  • Gargoyles (often traveling through daytime via tunnels and special vehicles; umbrellas used for sunlight, not rain)
  • Golems ('rock giants' and 'rock humanoids')
  • Kajiras (worlds used entirely as depositories; for lifelong training and storage of these pleasure slaves)
  • Merpeople (mermaids, mermen, etc.)
  • Nymphs (not to be confused with kajiras, nymphs are: spirits of nature which are beautiful maidens inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations; not necessarily involved in sexual duties or sexual perfection)
  • Vampires (some of their worlds have massive 'food populations', which others of their worlds use materializers to produce their blood supplies)
  • Werewolves
There are a number of ways to get into the good graces of the Inisfreeans, leaders of the Universe. They are listed below, starting with the way which earns the least favor (in terms of Inisfreean forces deployed in proportion to the size and duration of the gift), and progressively improving toward the end of this list; toward the way which earns the most favor. There are other ways to win the favor of the Inisfreeans, but this should give you an idea of how and where to start:
  • Help the Inisfreeans continue to improve their realm by alerting them to the works of art and wonder which they consider to be worthy of their realm; perfect and fitting.
  • Kill at least one of their enemies for them.
  • Kill at least one of their enemies for them, bringing the head or skull as a trophy, prize, gift, and keepsake for them.
  • Raze at least one of their enemies cities for them.
  • End at least one nation or empire of their enemies for them.
  • Protect at least one world for them.
  • Reserve at least one world to them for whenever they are in the area (of Space).
  • Reserve at least one world to them for the duration of its existence.
  • Reserve at least one world to them forever; an immortal planet or moon.
  • Give at least one world to them for whenever they are in the area.
  • Give at least one world to them for the duration of its existence.
  • Give at least one world to them forever; an immortal planet or moon.
  • Conquer at least one world for them.
  • Make at least one world for them for whenever they are in the area.
  • Make at least one world for them for the duration of its existence.
  • Make at least one world for them forever; an immortal planet or moon.
  • Be a 'perfect 10' female who gives herself to them whenever they are in her realm.
  • Be a 'perfect 10' female who arranges orgies, hosted by herself, to them whenever they are in her realm.
  • Be a 'perfect 10' female who gives herself to them for life.
  • Be a 'perfect 10' female who gives herself to them forever.
  • Give as a gift at least one 'perfect 10' female to them whenever they are in your realm.
  • Give as a gift at least one 'perfect 10' female to them for her life.
  • Give as a gift at least one 'perfect 10' female to them forever.
  • Give at least one world to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female on or in it, for whenever they are there.
  • Give at least one world to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female on or in it, for the duration of its lifespan.
  • Give at least one world to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female on or in it, forever.
  • Give at least one world to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female on or in it, whenever they are in the area.
  • Give as a gift at least one 'perfect 10' female from your family (bloodline) to them whenever they are in your realm.
  • Give as a gift at least one 'perfect 10' female from your family (bloodline) to them for her life.
  • Give as a gift at least one 'perfect 10' female from your family (bloodline) to them forever.
  • Give at least one of your worlds to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female of your family on or in it, for whenever they are there.
  • Give at least one of your world to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female of your family on or in it, for the duration of its lifespan.
  • Give at least one of your world to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female of your family on or in it, forever.
  • Give at least one of your world to them, which has at least one 'perfect 10' female of your family on or in it, whenever they are in the area.
  • Give all of your 'perfect 10' females as gifts to them whenever they are in your realm.
  • Give all of your 'perfect 10' females as gifts to them for those girls' lives.
  • Give all of your 'perfect 10' females as gifts to them forever.
  • Give at least one world to them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, for whenever they are there.
  • Give at least one world to them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, for the duration of its lifespan.
  • Give at least one world to them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, forever.
  • Give at least one world to them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, whenever they are in the area.
  • Capture at least one 'perfect 10' female for them for whenever they are in your realm.
  • Capture at least one 'perfect 10' female for them to keep for the duration of her life.
  • Capture at least one 'perfect 10' female for them to keep forever.
  • Capture at least one world for them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, for whenever they are there.
  • Capture at least one world for them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, for the duration of its lifespan.
  • Capture at least one world for them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, forever.
  • Capture at least one world for them, whose entire population is 'perfect 10' females, whenever they are in the area.
  • Capture at least one 'perfect 10' female for them from one of their enemies.
  • Capture for them all of the 'perfect 10' females of at least one of their enemies.
  • Capture for them at least one of their enemies' worlds which has 'perfect 10' females on and/or in it.
  • Play host and guide as the Inisfreeans hunt where you have told them there are 'perfect 10' females.
  • Play host and guide on such a hunt for the duration of your lifespan; whenever the Inisfreeans wish it from you.
  • Play host and guide on such a hunt forever; whenever the Inisfreeans wish it from you.
  • Play host and guide on such a hunt which spans at least one entire world, whenever they are in your area.
  • Play host and guide on such a hunt which spans at least one entire world, for the duration of those worlds' lifespans.
  • Play host and guide on such a hunt which spans at least one entire world, forever; each world permanently reserved for this.
  • Proactively assist the Inisfreeans in the kajirae trade; human trafficking of female pleasure slaves.
  • Establish or maintain the schools and other training programs which produce the kajirae Inisfreeans consider to be 'perfect 10's.
  • Give all of your worlds, which have 'perfect 10' females on or in them, to them for whenever they are in the area.
  • Give all of your worlds, which have 'perfect 10' females on or in them, to them for the duration of those worlds' lifespans.
  • Give all of your worlds, which have 'perfect 10' females on or in them, to them forever.
  • *Gifts on the scale of galaxies and newly discovered dimensions are, naturally, higher up on this list.
'Perfect 10' females are ranked higher than planet-sized gifts because a planet does not necessarily include 'perfect 10' females, and because once any of the Inisfreeans have enjoyed loving sex with a 'perfect 10' female, all Inisfreeans have, for they are many bodies, but just one person; just one being; just one mind; shared experiences, and Inisfreeans value quality females more than even entire worlds. They (the Inisfreeans) are a race of super-nymphs, after all; the perfect lovers, always seeking out the same; more perfect love (perfect, as defined by the Inisfreeans, meaning 100% compatible and desirable to them).

A 'perfect 10' female means both her body and personality are flawless based on the Inisfreean standard(s). Inisfreeans do not call this her 'body and mind', however, as Inisfreeans count the mind as part of the brain, and the brain as part of the body.

It should be noted that completing any, some, or all of these acts does not exempt one from behaving properly; in accordance with the Inisfreean Way, when in the presence of an Inisfreean. Anything annoying to the Inisfreeans will void any favor temporarily gained from completing such deeds.

It should also be noted that the moment any female is no longer considered by the Inisfreeans to be a 'perfect 10', that her presence amongst any of their kind must be terminated until (if) she is again a 'perfect 10'. Also, that when one gives herself to the King, she is giving herself to all Inisfreeans, and vice versa, for all Inisfreeans are actually just one person; a collective of tertiary minds in bodies which are of the same one soul, coordinated by their secondary mind; the Grid Mind.

Beings and organizations, such as empires, with much more ability to give the aforementioned gifts are not held in higher esteem than less powerful beings and organizations just due to the larger sizes or durations of their gifts. Rather, any heartfelt, compatible gift is held in the same regard, each such gift bringing its giver into the good graces and protection of the Inisfreeans, though, of course, the Inisfreeans will allot more of their forces to help in the protection of larger gifts, such as worlds as opposed to individual 'perfect 10' girls given to them.
Inisfreean-Yautja Neutrality:

Inisfree allows all Yautja traffic in and out of human-occupied star systems, including the Sol system, because this helps keep the human scourge further regulated, as well as distracted.  Yautja operations are also few and far between, so even if they increased 100-fold, that would still only mean a mere 100 to 200 humans being utilized for game hunts every generation or two.  Further, Yautja do not possess the technology or abilities to detect, capture, or harm an Inisfreean or anyone inside Inisfree.  Thus, the Yautja are considered negligible by the Inisfreeans, and are thereby left alone to their own devices, however harmful to a handful of Outlander humans they may be.  On the rarest of occasions, the Inisfreean king will join Yautja hunting parties on any number of a thousand game-preserve worlds to enjoy the sport of hunting humans.  After all, the humans hunted countless lifeforms, including his own in ages past, and so it is only fair and fitting, and part of the natural cycle of things, that he now gets to enjoy paying them back with interest.  Many of the skulls, spines, and other bone-based furnishings and decorations of the Magics Chambers come from these Yautja-Inisfreean joint hunts.