New Personnel:  Welcome aboard, new shipmate Glen Masters!  An engineer by trade and a fine sailor by reputation, we salute you!
 Personnel Dossiers 
Personnel Database Access

Access to the personnel data base aboard the New Horizon is restricted to authorized personnel.  To obtain access without escort by an authorized crew member, speak to the Chief Duty Officer (CDO) or Officer of the Day (OOD) about temporary authorization.

Players may access declassified portions of their character's personnel dossier via any terminal throughout the ships and bases across the Verse.  Unauthorized accessing and/or viewing of a dossier other than your own can result in severe corrective measures and penalties, and may affect your re-enlistment and benefits.
Permanent Crew and Passersby

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) :
 - Colbert, Adolf

Full-time members serving aboard the New Horizon spacecraft carrier:
 - McNamara, Dallas
 - Nassida, Vince

Full-time members owning and operating their own ships, and having infrequent encounters with the New Horizon, and story-lines of their own:
 - LeMorte, Ambrosia

Full-time members serving aboard the Firefly Persephone:

Part-time members joining us for frequent RP sessions planet-side (such as if they invite us into their own chat-room / reality / world) :
 - Alexis
 - Demidova, Mica
 - Erra, Maya
 - Freyja, Vanadis
 - Frost, Emma
 - Gottschalk, Divinity
 - Hale, Rosalie​
 - Hart-Burnett, Alison
 - Lamia
 - Michaels, Elena Antonov
 - Oona
 - Qiturah
 - Sawatari, Dan
 - Seiliu, Taja​
 - Taldeer, Shelwe​
 - Targaryen, Daenerys
 - Tauriel
 - Temujin, Wendy
 - Thetis
 - T'Soni, Liara​
 - Urvashi
 - Xephia
 - Zada
 - Zauviir, Xull'rae
 - Zor-El, Kara

Note:  All permanent crew aboard the New Horizon ship are genetically engineered and mass-cloned.  The only other authorized occupants, personnel, and/or visitors to the New Horizon must be approved by its command authority.  Dignitaries, special task force augments, and registered Companions are some of the only (and rare) exceptions to this rule.

Your Character

Your character's profile will be stored in your Oasiz chat service "About Me" profile section.

If you wish to become a full-time or part-time member of this RPG community and Verse, whisper a Gold Hammer in our New Horizon chatroom for further details.  Additional information may be needed from you at that time, in order to complete your New Horizon website dossier properly.

Actual roleplayers may include characters of any type of birth or creation mechanism and upbringing.

Already Have a Profile Elsewhere?

If you've already built a profile at another community, such as Oasiz, don't worry about migrating here; we're happy to hyperlink directly to its webpage.  Message one of our admin's and we'll take care of setting that link up here on this page.

Under Construction

New character bios and timelines are being prepared.​​